‘My Adventures With Superman’ Won’t Feature Batman Any Time Soon: “We’re Staying Away From Him”

"Batman is fraught," Co-Executive Producer Jake Wyatt told The Parent Watch.
Batman: Caped Crusader - First Look - credit: Courtesy of Prime
Batman: Caped Crusader - First Look - credit: Courtesy of Prime

Later this week, My Adventures with Superman, the critically acclaimed animated series that revamps the Man of Steel for the anime generation, returns to Adult Swim and Max. And we already know the new season will be bringing along iconic characters like Lex Luthor and Supergirl in the mix, thanks to the season’s teaser trailer.

But one classic DC character won’t be showing up in Season 2 – or any time soon: Batman.

Fans got in a tizzy during Season 1 of the series (which aired back in 2023) when the show dropped references to the Gotham Gazette, aka the newspaper of Gotham City, as well as the arrival of Vicki Vale – a reporter straight from the Batman part of the DC Comics mythos.

The producers for the show have been relatively forthright since that point about the series focusing on the hero of the title – the Jack Quaid voiced Superman. However, in a conversation with The Parent Watch in advance of Season 2 of the series, Co-Executive Producer Jake Wyatt was much firmer on the Dark Knight staying in the dark for the time being.

Specifically, his note on a possible Bruce Wayne inclusion came during a discussion on what the back and forth has been like between the My Adventures team and the team working on James Gunn’s Superman movie – which had been announced before My Adventures ever premiered, but is currently in production as Season 2 debuts.

“There's some back-and-forth because James Gunn and Peter Safran and Warner Brothers Discovery have big plans for these characters on the big screen,” Wyatt said. “DC has been really supportive, though, we've sent them our premises for all the material that we have created and are creating, and we've never gotten a hard no on anything we wanted to do. Batman is fraught, we're staying away from him.”

So why is Batman “fraught,” while Superman isn’t? This is pure speculation but whereas My Adventures was already well into working on Season 2 while James Gunn’s Superman was gearing up, there are a lot of balls in the air when it comes to Batman. Batman: Caped Crusader, an adult animated pseudo-follow-up to the classic Batman: The Animated Series, is dropping its full first season this August on Prime Video, with a second season already well in the works. Theatrically, The Batman Part II, the follow-up to director Matt Reeves’ 2022 movie with Robert Pattinson, has been developing for a while, with the sequel now pushed to 2026. A TV spinoff, The Penguin, starring Colin Farrell, hits Max (formerly HBO Max) later this year.

And then there’s The Brave and the Bold, a movie that’s part of Gunn’s new DCU along with Superman, in development by director Andy Muschetti. That will focus on Batman dealing with his wayward son, Damian Wayne, aka Robin. But as of yet there’s no official date, announcement, or otherwise.

Point being, while Superman currently has two things going on, as usual Batman is a busy guy with a full dance card. And that’s fine because frankly, My Adventures with Superman has enough to do to keep the Man of Steel busy for seasons to come.

My Adventures With Superman Season 2 premieres Saturday, May 25, at midnight ET/PT on Adult Swim, and streams the next day on Max.