Saturday Morning Cartoons: Literal days worth of Woody Woodpecker cartoons are free online

Already watched the new Netflix movie? Here’s what’s next for your kids.
Woody Woodpecker Goes To Camp
Woody Woodpecker Goes To Camp

Woody Woodpecker is one of those cartoon characters that doesn’t seem to get a lot of love in modern cartoon circles, yet that bird keeps trucking along anyway… Including a brand-new live-action/animated hybrid movie titled Woody Woodpecker Goes To Camp, which is now streaming on Netflix. And in case you do have kids who watched the movie and are now obsessed, the good news is there are literal days worth of Woody Woodpecker cartoons streaming free online right now.

In case you’re not familiar with the history of the character, he was first introduced in 1940, created by Walter Lantz and Ben Hardaway. Later he became the star of The Woody Woodpecker Show, which ran for 113 episodes with fits and starts between 1957 and 1977. The show was rebooted as The New Woody Woodpecker Show, which aired 53 episodes in 157 shorter segments from 1999-2002. And then in 2017, we got the first live-action/animated movie, leading into the sequel today.

However, what we’re most concerned with – or your children are – is that after the 2017 movie, a new series of animated shorts began streaming on the official Woody Woodpecker YouTube channel. That lasted 30 episodes, but at some point in the intervening years, it seems that Universal, who owns the property, began uploading hour-long compilations of the shorts.

And not only that, they’ve also uploaded episodes of the related Chilly Willy cartoon, the original Woody Woodpecker Show cartoons, and episodes of The New Woody Woodpecker Show. Basically, almost everything Woody Woodpecker is free online.

To give you an example of what to expect, a compilation of classic Woody Woodpecker cartoons uploaded on Thursday, April 11, 2024, runs over two and a half hours. That’s essentially an entire Saturday morning of cartoons to keep you – I mean, your kids – busy and happy.

With, no joke, nearly 2,000 videos on the channel, we’re talking enough Woody Woodpecker to keep your kids busy and happy until they’re adults. Probably. Not literally. Regardless, if you’re looking for more Woody Woodpecker – or perhaps don’t have a Netflix subscription and want to check out something free online – head to the Woody Woodpecker YouTube page now. No need to say “Guess who?!” per his catchphrase. You’ll be intimately familiar with him by the time the day is done.