The Perfect Couple parents guide: This twisty tale isn't one for the kids

The Perfect Couple is a new Netflix series, based on the novel of the same name by Elin Hildebrand. This isn't one to watch with the kids around with its twisty storytelling.
The Perfect Couple. Nicole Kidman as Greer Winbury in episode 103 of The Perfect Couple. Cr. Seacia Pavao/Netflix © 2024
The Perfect Couple. Nicole Kidman as Greer Winbury in episode 103 of The Perfect Couple. Cr. Seacia Pavao/Netflix © 2024

With the dance number to open up The Perfect Couple, you would think this is a light-hearted and fun show to watch with the whole family. Don’t let those opening credits fool you.

The Perfect Couple is based on the novel of the same name by Elin Hildebrand. There are a few changes from the book, especially the names of the characters, but overall, it’s a straight adaptation. That means we get the same twisty murder mystery to follow.

The series starts with a body turning up dead on the beach. As the search for the killer takes place, family secrets are revealed. Everyone has a skeleton or two in the closet.

The Perfect Couple is rated TV-MA but doesn’t quite earn it

This series isn’t one for the younger kids. However, while it is officially rated TV-MA, I would say this is one that the older teens could enjoy. They may have already read the book, or they may just be excited about murder mysteries as a whole.

Here’s a look at the breakdown of the components that make the age rating.

Sex & nudity: There isn’t too much when it comes to either of them. There are a couple of scenes where characters start or finish what is implied as having sex, but there is nothing graphically shown on the screen.

Violence & gore: You would think that with a body showing up on the beach and it being a murder that there would be some gore. That’s not the case. While we do get a good look at the body, there is no blood or visible wounds. The only wounds on show are on Ameila’s feet, and even those are kept covered. So, if you have a weak stomach when it comes to gore, you’ll be fine with this one.

Language: There are a fair few F-bombs dropped throughout the series. The language is really where this series earns its TV-MA rating. The F-word is the strongest word used in the show.

Drugs & alcohol: There is a lot of drinking and smoking shown throughout the series. It starts off with a celebration of a wedding—that not everyone wants to see happen—so there are toasts and a lot of drinking at this event. As the murder investigation takes place, characters do use alcohol and smoking as a way to cope and take the edge off.

One of the characters also has a lot of medication due to a medical illness. There is a discussion of weed to help this character, but that’s not shown on the screen.

Overall verdict: Who is The Perfect Couple appropriate for?

This is one of those shows that doesn’t quite earn its TV-MA rating, but it isn’t really suitable for younger teens. It would be a 15 or 16 in the UK and Canada, which seems to suit the level of violence and sex shown throughout the series. This is one that would work well for older teens who are interested in murder mysteries and thrillers, and for those who have read the book.