Parents Guide: Not Another Teen Movie: Awesome for older teens, not so much for young ones

The early Y2K spoof of popular teen movies was added to Netflix this month.
NOT ANOTHER TEEN MOVIE [2001] - Official Trailer (HD)
NOT ANOTHER TEEN MOVIE [2001] - Official Trailer (HD) | Sony Pictures Entertainment

The teen parody comedy Not Another Teen Movie is one of Netflix's new August drops. Released in 2001, the movie is a mashup of popular teen flicks from Y2K, the 90s, the 80s, and the late 70s. We're talking blockbusters such as The Breakfast Club, 16 Candles, She's All That, American Pie, and several others. As such, Not Another Teen Movie incorporated their storylines and devised something uniquely theirs. Although there are raucous scenes, the film isn't meant to project an overanalysis; it's only created to entertain.

Not Another Teen Movie stars Chyler Leigh and Chris Evans, the latter of whom makes a bet with his friends to create a geeky girl into the ultimate dream prom date. It sounds like your average teen Cinderella story but carries an "R" rating. With that said, is the movie appropriate for younger viewers?

Let's tackle why Not Another Teen Movie scored that "R" rating.

Explaining the Not Another Teen Movie's "R" rating

Movies that obtained the "R" rating are meant for seventeen-year-olds and older due to the content. Not Another Teen Movie deserved the rating since there's a lot of raw and rather "offensive" material. But, again, the movie was crafted to be a parodical spoof, a laugh of other productions from the twenty-plus years before its 2001 release, and shouldn't be taken seriously. You have some pretty sweet cameos from Molly Ringwald and Mr. T, who reigned the 80s decade in pop culture.

Sex & Nudity: Right off the bat, Not Another Teen Movie opens up with a teenage girl masturbating, which further unveils even more sexual content, including full-frontal and back, lots of making out, crude jokes, and much more. The film is the entire of it. Plus, you have three hormone-raged teen boys after a girl for only one thing, pretty much.

Violence: Other than high school football playing that leads to gruesome and graphic, but unrealistic injuries, there's no violence throughout. Without this element, it gave Not Another Teen Movie a softer edge, but not by much.

Language: It's a teen movie, so yes, you're going to hear the F-bombs, the S-words, general profanity like the Underworld word and the D-word. There's also male and female derogatory names being thrown, which, unfortunately, is common in high school.

Drinking and drugs: There's a party where drinking and drugs are used. Smoking is also present

Overall verdict: What age is Not Another Teen Movie appropriate for?

Not Another Teen Movie deserves its "R" "grade" and should be watched by those under the rating's guideline. However, I'd suggest watching the films embedded into Not Another Teen Movie because you get so much more from them. But as I said before, proceed cautiously if you decide to watch it.