'Jurassic World: Chaos Theory' Parents Guide: A Fun Way to Prep Your Kids for 'Jurassic Park'

If you've been on the fence about watching Jurassic Park and Jurassic World with the kids, you'll want to turn to Netflix first.
Jurassic World: Chaos Theory. Cr: Netflix.
Jurassic World: Chaos Theory. Cr: Netflix.

The Jurassic Park franchise has certainly grown since the first trilogy of movies. The latest addition to the franchise is Jurassic World: Chaos Theory, and it’s a must for kids.

The series is a sequel to Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous so I highly recommend watching that first. While it does include dinosaurs and a few scary moments, there is a lot of heart to the series. The second season is no different.

The official rating is TV-Y7, and that’s perfect for this. My eight-year-old and 11-year-old both enjoy delving into the world of dinosaurs, and this series was immediately put on when they saw it listed while eating breakfast. Toddlers could enjoy it as well, but they’re not going to get the full meanings behind some of the storylines. It’s a fun adventure for them, though.

Jurassic World: Chaos Theory brings heart and fun

The series opens with a quicker reminder of the end of Camp Cretaceous. It then quickly jumps into how there are some dinosaurs who understand humans can help and others that just attack. They are animals after all! There’s a great chance to talk about looking out for why some animals seem to want to attack—but they may have barbed wire caught in their feet and be in a lot of pain and just need help.

Here’s a look at what to expect with the new season, which brings 20-minute episodes, so perfect timing for children.

Sex & nudity: There is zero sex and nudity in this animated series. The focus is on the dinosaurs and how they are a danger to humans. There’s also a focus on how not all dinosaurs are the same, as well as grief and survivor’s guilt.

Violence: This is where it can get a little scary. There is some violence between dinosaurs and between humans and dinosaurs. This is the type of violence you would expect to see in the likes of PAW Patrol and PJ Masks. There’s no heavy gore shown. Even when pulling the barbed wire from a triceratops foot, there’s no blood shown. The focus is on the triceratops face (both pain and gratefulness).

Language: There is no harsh language in the series at all. This is written for young children, so there aren’t even words like “damn” and “Christ.” This is one of those shows that keeps the words fun when you can tell characters would usually swear.

Alcohol & drugs: The animated series shows the use of a few tranquilizers now and then. The focus is on putting the dinosaurs to sleep so that they are no longer a threat. The park rangers want to get the dinosaurs away from people, but not kill them. That’s the only use of alcohol and drugs. The lead, Darius, snacks a lot on junk food, though!

Overall verdict: Who is Jurassic World: Chaos Theory appropriate for?

If your kids love the likes of Sonic and PAW Patrol, they are going to adore Jurassic Park: Chaos Theory. I would highly recommend watching Camp Cretaceous first as there are a lot of mentions of that series. This is a perfect show to watch with the kids, offering a gateway into the main Jurassic Park and Jurassic World movies.