The ‘80s were a wild time to be available, particularly if you were a kid and liked movies. Looking back on it, nearly every “teen” movie was something that would barely get a PG-13 rating today, and most of the time due to content that, shall we say, hasn’t aged well, maybe shouldn’t be watched at all.
But those movies – and in particular the output of the so-called “Brat Pack,” the group of actors who dominated the silver screen during that era – are beloved. And I know every time I see one pass in my streaming queue, I immediately think “Oh, I should watch that with my kids!” Before immediately checking myself and saying, “Wait, can I watch that with my kids?”
And now, Hulu has added nine movies from the “Brat Pack” in honor of the new documentary Brats, which per PR from the streamer has been “trending at the #1 spot on Hulu since its debut.” So can you watch any of these movies with your kids? Granted, they’re missing some iconic flicks like Sixteen Candles, The Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink, and One Crazy Summer. But there are plenty of other classics there, as well as a few deep cuts.
So with that in mind, let’s break down the Brat Pack movies streaming on Hulu now – and whether they’re okay to watch with your kids.
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (1986)

We’re starting off with a weird one here as this doesn’t star anyone in the Brat Pack. But at the same time, the story of Matthew Broderick’s titular character taking the day off with his friends often gets lumped together with the other movies – as Hulu did – so there you go.
Can I Watch With My Kids? There’s a lot of cursing in this movie, and some sexual content, but this PG-13 rated flick is probably okay for teens and up, and is less raunchy than a lot of the other movies of the era. It’s the rare ‘80s classic that still works today.
St. Elmo’s Fire (1985)

As many Brat Pack members as you can fit on screen appear in this film about a bunch of college graduates struggling with what to do next.
Can I Watch With My Kids? This is Rated R, first of all, for some brief nudity, strong language, drug use, and more. But most of all it’s about younger adults grappling with becoming adults, so this probably for 15 and up, at least.
Say Anything (1989)

I’ll be perfectly honest, I have no idea why this is on Hulu’s list other than it came out in the late ‘80s. This is not a Brat Pack movie, it’s a Cameron Crowe movie. But on the same note it is also the best movie on this list, and one of my favorite movies of all time! It stars John Cusack as a guy in love with his dream girl. At one point, he holds a stereo over his head.
Can I Watch With My Kids? There is some mild sexual content, and some language and drinking. But other than having your heart broken, this is okay for younger teens to watch, particularly if they like cinema.
Weird Science (1985)

This movie focuses on two teens who create their dream girl using a computer, and learn about sex and adulthood as well as a few lessons about life. I’m summarizing heavily here.
Can I Watch With My Kids? When I think about “how did this get a PG-13 rating?” for ‘80s movies, Weird Science is the prime example. Not only is there a ton of female – and male – nudity, but the whole plot is about an adult woman teaching two underage boys about sex. Do not watch this with children!
TAPS (1981)

Another one that is not quite a Brat Pack movie – but gets lumped in because Charlie Sheen, Emilio Estevez’s brother, is in it. It’s about a bunch of military kids who try to save their school, and end up on the opposite end of a fight with the US Army.
Can I Watch With My Kids? This is rated PG because of some brief blood, and one shower scene where you briefly see a bit of butt. However, this would be an easy PG-13 nowadays. It’s okay to watch with teens, particularly if they want to see baby versions of Tom Cruise and Sean Penn.
About Last Night (1986)

Starring Rob Lowe, Demi Moore, and James Belushi, this is an adaptation of David Mamet’s Sexual Perversity in Chicago. Do I need to fill out the next section?
Can I Watch With My Kids? It’s rated R, there’s a bunch of nudity, a ton of sex scenes, and Mamet is known for his creative language. This is not for kids.
Betsy’s Wedding (199)

Chronologically, this is the last Brat Pack movie, and stars Molly Ringwald as the Betsy of the title, as her wedding goes horribly wrong. Ally Sheedy also appears, hence the Brat Pack moniker.
Can I Watch With My Kids? This is also rated R, but mostly for language and some light sexual content. If your kids are into the idea of a wedding disaster comedy, this should be okay for them.
Blue City (1986)

The mayor’s son, played by Judd Nelson, cleans up a Florida town with the help of David Caruso and Ally Sheedy.
Can I Watch With My Kids? It’s again Rated R, and given the language, violence (they aren’t cleaning up the town with brooms), and some sexual content, this is more for those older teens who are interested in this genre after watching Road House.
Fresh Horses (1988)

Andrew McCarthy, a nerdy engineering student, falls in love with a country girl played by Molly Ringwald, who may be both 16 and married.
Can I Watch With My Kids? Despite being rated PG-13 and billed as a “provocative” drama, there’s nothing too objectionable here. However, it’s a little more serious than some of the other movies, so may only appeal to older teens.