Crazy Rich Asians parents guide: Nothing too crazy happens in this rom-com

If your kids like rom-coms, they'll probably be charmed by this one.
Constance Wu in Crazy Rich Asians - credit: Warner Bros. Pictures
Constance Wu in Crazy Rich Asians - credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

Crazy Rich Asians is available to stream now on Netflix! If you weren't able to catch it when it went to theaters, now is your chance to check it out.

Based on the book of the same name by Kevin Kwan, it tells the story of an economics professor named Rachel, who travels to Singapore with her boyfriend Nick, whose family is one of the richest families in Singapore. She is generally welcomed with open arms except when Nick's mother inflicts judgment on her lower status and accuses her of being a "gold digger," therefore demeaning her and making Rachel the talk of the town (or in this case, the city). The film stars Constance Wu (Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile), Henry Golding (The Tiger's Apprentice, A Simple Favor), Gemma Chan (The Boy and the Heron), Lisa Lu (The Joy Luck Club), Awkwafina (Kung Fu Panda 4), Ken Jeong (Migration), and Michelle Yeoh (The Tiger's Apprentice)

So, now that you have some more background, is this film at the top of your watchlist or are you just now hearing about it? Either way, we're giving you the breakdown of what to expect when you watch Crazy Rich Asians.

Crazy Rich Asians Parents Guide: Explaining the PG-13 age rating

The film is officially rated PG-13. The film does play into stereotyping a bit, specifically when it comes to the Asian and LGBTQ+ community, but it is played up for laughs and the story takes a few turns and touches upon some serious topics including race, class, and more. Read on for the full breakdown.

Sex & nudity: Sexuality and sensuality are played up in this film. The film is centered on a romance between the two lead characters so you will see kissing. And conversations surrounding the sometimes ugly side of romance are discussed and played out, such as infidelity between two characters. There's a character in the film who is an actress who is seen making out with another character, a couple of people are seen coming out from the bushes and there are scenes where men are shirtless and being admired by other characters.

Violence & gore: The craziest violence that happens in the movie is seeing a few bayonets be carried by security guards. Otherwise, you don't have to worry about your child being exposed to any explicitly violent scenes. There are a few instances of adults reminiscing about a "lame" fistfight from their childhood. A man is playfully smacked in the groin.

Language: The "f" word, a-hole, b.s., references to a woman's breasts, and some other words are used. The word "bitch" is seen written on a wall and a slur is mentioned as well that's targeted towards the Asian community.

Alcohol & drugs: Large-scale parties and weddings are prevalent so you will see characters drinking champagne, beer, and cocktails throughout the film. Any liquor seen being consumed in this film is merely for aesthetic sake and any of the characters' drunken behavior doesn't override the story. There is a scene where one of the characters appears to be drunk and, lo and behold, does the one thing you shouldn't do when you're drunk, and that's fly a helicopter. Cigars and cigarettes are present as well and there's a character who is seen sniffing his nose, which means that he's snorted some substance, most likely cocaine.

Overall verdict: Who is Crazy Rich Asians appropriate for?

The film is relatively harmless, for the most part. Rachel is positioned to be a role model as a woman who has her own job and trusts her gut, even if it requires her to make some tough decisions regarding her relationships. She also is very close with her mother and the relationship is displayed in the film in a very beautiful way. The film's representation of cross-continental Asian storytelling is also worth noting when deciding to watch and it features a strong female lead as well. Older teens will appreciate it, so feel free to watch it with the family!