Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F parents guide: This nostalgic ride will be fun for older teens

Eddie Murphy is back as Axel Foley, and he does not disappoint.
Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F. (L to R) Eddie Murphy as Axel Foley and Paul Reiser as Jeffrey in Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F. Cr. Melinda Sue Gordon/Netflix © 2024
Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F. (L to R) Eddie Murphy as Axel Foley and Paul Reiser as Jeffrey in Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F. Cr. Melinda Sue Gordon/Netflix © 2024 /

If you miss Axel Foley, you’ll certainly want to turn to Netflix right now. Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F is now available to stream.

It has the perfect mixture of fresh story and nostalgia. This is fun for many members of the family. You may want to keep it away from younger children, but the teens are sure to enjoy the wild ride.

The latest installment in the Beverly Hills franchise sees Axel return to LA when his daughter’s life is threatened. Of course, he hasn’t changed one bit and she definitely doesn’t want him there. However, it’s time for a father-daughter team up to take down those who want to see Jane dead.

Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F’s language earns it an R rating

Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F is officially rated R. While that does mean it’s suitable for 18 years and over, older teens could find this a lot of fun. It’s the language that earns the movie the rating. Let’s break down the factors of the rating.

Sex & nudity: This movie doesn’t put any focus on sex or nudity. The closest to it is a crude discussion within the movie, and there is a poster that features a half-naked woman.

Language: As mentioned, this is where the movie earns its rating. It’s packed with crude language from the very beginning, with plenty of mentions of the S-word and the F-bomb throughout. Most of this language isn’t aimed at characters. Instead, it’s used in conversational terms.

Violence & gore: As you would expect from a Beverly Hills Cop movie, there is some violence throughout. It all starts with Axel stealing a snowplow and driving through the streets of Detroit chasing robbers and causing damage to cars and other inanimate objects. There are various shootouts that lead to blood splatter on the walls. There is a humorous moment of Axel being sprayed with pepper spray.

Alcohol & drugs: There are mentions of drugs and there is a scene where someone sniffs cocaine in a nightclub. There is some moderate drinking throughout the movie as well, since some of this movie does take place in a club.

Overall verdict: Who is Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F appropriate for?

While the movie has an R rating, I’d say this is something that works for those 15 and older. There is some violence, but it’s nothing on the gory side. The language is the heaviest part, but even that isn’t normally aimed at a character. If you feel comfortable with your children watching the previous Beverly Hills Cop movies, this is perfect for them to watch with you.

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