A Quiet Place: Day One parents guide: Shhh! No young kids, please!

A Quiet Place: Day One is now playing in theaters everywhere, but is the apocalyptic horror movie appropriate for kids?
Lupita Nyong’o as “Samira” and Joseph Quinn as “Eric” in A Quiet Place: Day One from Paramount Pictures.
Lupita Nyong’o as “Samira” and Joseph Quinn as “Eric” in A Quiet Place: Day One from Paramount Pictures.

Lupita Nyong’o stars in the highly anticipated apocalyptic drama A Quiet Place: Day One, which is now playing in theaters everywhere. The movie also stars Joseph Quinn (Stranger Things) and Alex Wolff (Hereditary). With the summer season in full swing, parents are in need of movies to take the kiddos to. But should you add this one to the list?  

A Quiet Place: Day One follows Nyong’o as Samira, a terminal cancer patient living in a hospice just outside of New York City. When Samira and a few other patients travel to NYC to see a play, an alien invasion strikes, leaving the group stranded.

Even if you don’t know much about the Quiet Place movies or have never watched them, I'm sure you are aware that aliens are featured --and they aren’t a pretty sight. These creatures are merciless and don’t hesitate to attack. If you have an older child at home who you believe can handle these aliens without nightmares, are there other triggers you should look out for? Let’s break down each category to learn more. 

A Quiet Place: Day One Parents Guide: Explaining the PG-13 age rating 

Okay, parents, we’ve got a PG-13 age rating, that’s promising! This movie may not be for young children, but perhaps your horror-loving teen can join you at the movies this weekend. A Quiet Place: Day One is rated PG-13 for violent content, bloody images, and terror.

Sex and Nudity: This is a big one for parents. Language and minor violence may get a pass from time to time, but unless your son or daughter is an adult, sex and nudity are a big no-no. I’m happy to report that there is none of this in Day One. If memory serves me right, I don’t even think anyone shares a kiss in this movie. The only smooches given are to Samira’s cat, Frodo. 

Violence: Speaking of cats, I know that when animal lovers see a horror movie featuring a pet, we panic. The aliens can burn NYC to the ground, but they better not touch a whisker on Frodo’s perfect little face and it is game over. Spoiler alert! Frodo makes it out alive. The cat will be okay, I promise. 

Expect many human casualties, but none are too graphic or bloody. There are a few jump scares and frightening sequences but without unnecessary gore or over-the-top violence. I would compare the mass destruction and chaos in Day One to Marvel’s Avengers: Endgame, but with more blood (though not much). 

Language: Language is not listed as one of the reasons the movie is PG-13, which means not a lot of profanity (if any) is used. Nothing comes to mind.

Drinking and Drugs: Samira and Eric share a drink at a bar, but there is no excessive drinking or even more than a few sips. Due to her illness, Samira does take medication, but in the right way and dosage. There’s no abuse of drugs or illegal drugs in the movie. 

Overall Verdict: What age is A Quiet Place: Day One appropriate for? 

As the parent, you know your kiddo best and I am no expert! But if you want my opinion, I can’t say I would recommend this movie to anyone under 13 years old. And honestly, to guarantee a nightmare-free night, I would probably even say 15 years old. It depends on your child’s maturity level and triggers. The creatures are scary and there are some intense moments, but nothing that would traumatize an older teen.