Hocus Pocus 2 parents guide: Another night of witchy fun for the kids

You've watched the first movie, and now it's time for the long-awaited sequel. Is Hocus Pocus 2 suitable for the whole family, though?
(L-R): Sarah Jessica Parker as Sarah Sanderson, Bette Midler as Winifred Sanderson, and Kathy Najimy as Mary Sanderson in HOCUS POCUS 2, exclusively on Disney+. Photo by Matt Kennedy. © 2022 Disney Enterprises, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
(L-R): Sarah Jessica Parker as Sarah Sanderson, Bette Midler as Winifred Sanderson, and Kathy Najimy as Mary Sanderson in HOCUS POCUS 2, exclusively on Disney+. Photo by Matt Kennedy. © 2022 Disney Enterprises, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The Sanderson Sisters returned for another Halloween night of fun and action in Hocus Pocus 2. You’ll definitely want to put it on this Halloween, but is it a movie suitable for the whole family?

In the first movie, the sisters came back 300 years after their deaths and attempt to gain immortality and youth. Max, Alison, Dani, and Binx worked hard to send them back to hell, but it didn’t stick. They returned after a group of teenage girls accidentally brought them back once more, but would these girls be able to stop them from stealing the lives and youth of children?

It’s a fun adventure that calls back to the original movie but not in a way that makes you feel like you’re watching the same thing. The kids are sure to want to watch this one too, and we take a look at whether it’s suitable.

Hocus Pocus 2 remains PG and here’s why

The sequel is PG, just like the first movie. That means it’s aimed at families. While the youngest members of the family, like the toddlers, may not find it entertaining, those six- and seven-year-olds are sure to want to check it out.

Sex & nudity: Like in the first movie, there are a couple of kisses here and there, but there is no sex or nudity shown on the screen. There is some suggestive language and some innuendos thrown in here and there, but that’s Disney for you. A lot of Disney movies tend to have adult humor that they know will go over the minds of kids.

Do expect questions about what a virgin is. It’s a word that comes up a lot, and we all know what we were like watching the first movie, right?

Language: There is no swearing throughout the movie. The worst of the words is “damn,” just like in the first movie. Of course, for the Sanderson Sisters, this is a harsh word. In the 17th century, “damn” meant that people were damning souls to Hell. In today’s world, the word isn’t quite as strong.

Violence & gore: There’s no gore, but there is a little bit of violence and some scary scenes throughout. There’s a point where Winifred zaps people with her green electricity, but it doesn’t kill anybody. We also don’t see any blood and guts throughout. The worst of the violence is when Mary is slapped across the face.

The part that could be scary for smaller kids is the jump scares. There is a zombie running around, and the villains do jump out now and then. It’s nothing graphic, though.

Alcohol & drugs: There is no drinking or drug use throughout the movie. There is the making of a potion. Would you consider that as a drug? I wouldn’t!

Overall verdict: Who is Hocus Pocus 2 appropriate for?

This is a movie that is perfect for family movie night at Halloween (and any time of the year). Hocus Pocus 2 was created for families, and if your kids love the first movie, they are sure to love the second.

Hocus Pocus 2 is available to stream on Disney+.